Back To Basics
Let's “get back to basics” in finding and keeping a job. What does that even mean? What ARE “the basics”? The following is a list of simple ways to find, secure, and keep a job! You know...the basics!
Sources of job information:
Your local Business and Career Solutions Center
Family and friends
People employed in your field
Telephone book
Direct employer contact
Before the interview:
Learn about the employer
Know the time and place of the interview
Know how you can benefit the company
Know why you want to work for the company
Dress appropriately and conservatively
Go alone
Be on time
During the interview:
Be enthusiastic, courteous
Answer questions clearly, honestly
Maintain eye contact
Speak directly to the interviewer
Tell interviewer why he/she needs you
Show interest in the job
After the interview:
Evaluate the interview
Send “thank you” letter to employer
List improvements you should make
Follow up with a phone call; if you do not get the job, continue your search
Avoid problems on the job by:
Maintaining a positive attitude
Dressing appropriately
Arriving for work on time
Not overstaying breaks
Calling in when you are going to be late or absent
Common reasons employers give for firing employees:
Personality conflicts
Violating company rules