Summerhill's success, a story of 'hard work, determination and support'

Former PHOCAS participant Jenna Summerhill has come a long way and the payoff has been well worth the fight.
Summerhill’s struggle to reclaim her self-esteem, her life and her future landed her in a tie for first place in a national client success story through the Professional Healthcare Opportunities Careers And Support Project (PHOCAS) in 2014.
Summerhill related a moving scenario of one who could have easily given in to barriers and road blocks, but instead chose to persevere with the support of the PHOCAS project to reach her dream of becoming a nurse. This young wife and mother of two little boys revealed, for all to hear, that with the determination to succeed coupled with the support she needed from PHOCAS (and a wonderful liaison to encourage her, Mrs. Alice Wilkie, her instructor), she was able to succeed.
Summerhill now works full-time for an area healthcare employer.
WDB83’s Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) is federally awarded through the U.S. DHHS/ACF. The project, the Northeast LA Professional Healthcare Opportunities Careers And Support Project — now simply known as PHOCAS — purposes to assist low-income individuals by helping them to attain the education and training necessary to pursue careers in healthcare.