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JANUARY 19, 2016


Courtyard Marriott

4915 Pecanland Mall Drive

Monroe, LA.

6:00 P.M.


The Workforce Development Board SDA-83, Inc., Meeting was called to order at  6:00 P.M., by Mr.Steve Henderson, Chairperson. Invocation was given by Mr.Steve Henderson.


Members present:  Mr.Dan Wallace, Ms.T.Bernette Wright, Ms.Amanda McManus, Ms.Sandra Billings, Mr.Douglas Curtis, Mr.Steve Henderson, Mr.Michael Carroll,  Mr.Gerry Mims, Mr.Walter Stringer, Mr.John Hopkins, Ms.Jasher Blocker, Mr.Scott Cox, Ms.Kay Sharbono, Mrs.Tana Trichel, Mrs.Kathy Cerda,  Mr.Curtis Dabb, and Mr.Michael Broussard.  Absent:Ms.Kathy Bowers, Mrs.Jerilyn Kelly, Mr.Bruce Hampton, Mr.Fred Eubanks,  Ms.Rosie Brown,  and Mr.Otis Marshall.


Guests present: Mrs.Dottie Carruth, Mrs.Mary Pat Polk and Mr.Hal Davis.


Staff present: Mrs.Terri Mitchell and Ms.Judy Milton.


Mr.Steve Henderson called for a motion to amend the agenda to add the following item:

  • Issuance of Request for Proposal for Sector Partnership NEG Grant – Consulting Contract.


A motion  for approval was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel. Opposed: None, All in favor:  All, Abstained:  None.  MOTION PASSED.


Mr.Steve Henderson called on Mrs.Terri Mitchell for the Executive Director’s Report.


Mrs.Mitchell reported on the following items:


  • Issuance of Request for Proposal for Sector Partnership NEG Grant – Consulting Contract – Mrs.Mitchell stated that approval was needed to issue this RFP to secure Sector Partnership Planning, Development and Implementation Assistance for the NEG Grant for Region 8, subject to RFP approval from the Louisiana Workforce Commission. After discussion,a motion for approval was made by Mr.Scott Cox and seconded by Mr.Curtis Dabb.Opposed:None, All in Favor:All, Abstained:Mr.John Hopkins.MOTION PASSED.


  • Minutes – October 13, 2015 WDB Meeting –Mrs.Mitchell called for a motion to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2015 Workforce Board Meeting.A motion for approval was made byMr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Michael Carroll.Opposed:None, All in favor: All, Abstained:None, MOTION PASSED.



  • Security Benefit Resolution – Mrs.Mitchell stated that Security Benefit provided the 457 Plan for the employees and this document needed to be amended and restated to comply with IRS regulations with some wording changes.A motion for approval was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Gerry Mims.Opposed: None, All in Favor: All, Abstained:None.MOTION PASSED.


  • MOU – LaSalle Community Action Agency –Mrs.Mitchell stated that the LaSalle Community Action Agency had offered to partner with the Board to provide office space one day a week in Tensas Parish at a cost of $ 50.00 per month.A motion for approval was made by Mr.Douglas Curtis and seconded by Mr.Curtis Dabb. Opposed:None, All in Favor: All, Abstained: None. MOTION PASSED.


  • Madison Parish BCSC Office Lease –Mrs.Mitchell stated this was a continuation of the old lease on the Madison Parish Career Solutions Center office with a lease amount of $ 800.00 per month. A motion for approval was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel.Opposed:None, All in Favor: All, Abstained: None, MOTION PASSED.


  • WDB83 Policies – BCSC Standard Operating Policies – Mrs.Mitchell discussed the following operating policies for the Business Career Solutions Centers:


Policy # 76 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Performance Accountability Measures

Policy # 77 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Supportive Services or Assistance

Policy # 78 – Mrs.Mitchell stated this policy will have to be amended before approval

Policy # 79 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Assistance in Finding Non-WIOA Training Financial Aid

Policy # 81 – Youth Needs Additional Assistance Defined

Policy # 82 – Dislocated Worker Sufficient Duration Defined


After discussion of these Policies, amotion for approval was made by Mr.Michael Broussard and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.Opposed: None, All in Favor:All, Abstained: None, MOTION PASSED.


  • Eligible Training Provider Programs – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the training providers have to be on the approved Eligible Training Provider List before WIOA can send students there. After discussion, a motion to approve the programs on the eligible training provider list was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.Michael Carroll.Opposed: None, All in Favor:All, Abstained: Mr. Scott Cox and Mr. John Hopkins.MOTION PASSED. Thelist with the requested programs, training providers and costs are attached as a part of these minutes.


  • WDB83 Local Demand Occupations: CNA,EKG and PCT to be added to ETPL – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the CNA, EKG and PCT training programs weredenied because they fell below the 3-4-5Star Ratings System. Mrs.Mitchell stated these programsare critical in our area as demonstrated by the local job openings for these positions.Mrs.Mitchell also explained that these programs were important in the Career Pathway Development for many of the individuals we are tasked to serve, and asked the Board to approve training for the CNA, EKG and PCT programs.A motion for approval was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Mr.Michael Broussard.Opposed:None, All in Favor:All, Abstained: Mr.Scott Cox. MOTION PASSED.


  • Audit Ending June 30, 2015 – Mrs. Mitchell presented the audits for year ended June 30, 2015 for 82 and 83.She stated there were no findings except thenoncompliance of submittal of audit to the Legislative Auditor within the time period prescribed bylaw. She statedthe auditor had a personal emergency and didn’t get the report submitted on time.A motion to accept the audits for 82 and 83 was made byMrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.Douglas Curtis.Opposed: None, All in Favor:All, Abstained: None, MOTION PASSED.


  • Request for Account Services Indirect Cost – Mrs.Mitchell statedthe WDB did not currently have an indirect cost rate. To ensure that WDB83 is in compliance with discretionary grants, we want to pursue an accounting firm to determine the necessity of an indirect cost rate and to assist in the application process, should the Board need one.After discussion, a motion was made by Mr.Michael Carroll and seconded by Mr.Curtis Dabb to authorize the Executive Committee to approve this item for up to $ 5,000 after research has been done by Mrs.Mitchell regarding Indirect Costs and Mandates.Opposed:None, All in Favor: All, Abstained: None. MOTION PASSED.


  • MOU for Regional Monitoring Services – Mrs.Mitchell statedthe WDB is required to provide monitoring services and would like to negotiate with WDB-81 or another Area to use their monitor for these services.A motion for approval to authorize the Executive Committee to approve this item for up to $ 15,000 after more research is done, was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.John Hopkins.Opposed: None, All in Favor: All, Abstained:None.MOTION PASSED.


  • PHOCAS Hires – Mrs.Mitchell stated the following individuals were hired for the PHOCAS 2 staffing:

       Re-Hires: Ginger Lawson, Data Entry Specialist (originally re-hired as Student Liaison)

       Alexis Foy, Student Liaison and Alice Wilkie, Student Liaison

       New Hires: Stephanie Hunter, Student Liaison and Nicole Clemons, WDB Info Specialist/Acct.Asst

       Job Title/Position Changes: Tiffany Smith from Student Liaison to Recruitment & Placement Coordinator, Ginger Lawson

       from Student Liaison to Data Entry Specialist, Jennifer Savage from Assistant Director to Information Coordinator and

       Shae Cheatham from Info Specialist to Assistant Director


Mrs.Mitchell stated that Mrs.LaNita Cleveland, PHOCAS Project Director would be moving to part time within the next 60-90 days and will serve as the PHOCAS Project Advisor and Mrs.Shae Cheatham would become the Project Director, pending approval by the Office of Family Assistance Federal Project Officer.   After discussion, a motion for approval was made by Mr.Scott Cox and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel.   Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All, Abstained: Mr.Dan Wallace.  MOTION PASSED.


  • PHOCAS Interagency Agreement LDCC – Mrs.Mitchell stated the Interagency Agreement between WDB/PHOCAS and Louisiana Delta Community College is for services pursuant to healthcare education and training purposes, specific service strategies and proposed outcomes of this project.She stated this agreement would end on September 29, 2016 and included a budget of $ 275,373.00 for Program Year One.A motion for approval was made by Mr.Douglas Curtis and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel.Opposed: None, All in Favor:All, Abstained: Mr.Scott Cox.MOTION PASSED.





Informational items:

  1. Ethics Training

  2. Financial Disclosure Statement

  3. Board Training Via Webinar

  4. Budget Status as of Dec.31,2015


Mr.Steve Henderson called on Mrs.Mary Pat Polk for the Northeast Louisiana  Workforce Centers Update.


Mrs.Polk gave an update on the Career Solutions Centers activities.


Mr.Steve Henderson declared the meeting adjourned.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.


Transcribed by Judy Milton




Judy Milton

WDB-83 Planning Assistant




Approved at  April 19,2016 Meeting




Steve Henderson




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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created.  WDB83 is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. “Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

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