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JANUARY 17,2017

Courtyard Marriott

4915 Pecanland Mall Drive

Monroe, LA

6:00 PM.




The Workforce Development Board SDA-83, Inc., Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M., by Mr.Steve Henderson, Chairperson.  Invocation was given by Mr.Tim Tettleton.


Members present:  Mr.Steve Henderson, Chairperson, Mr.Dan Wallace,  Ms.Amanda McManus, Ms.Sandra Billings, Mr.Douglas Curtis, Ms.Lauren Rogers, Mr.Michael Carroll,  Mr.Tim Tettleton, Mr.Fred Eubanks, Mr.Gerry Mims, Mr.Walter Stringer, Ms.Rosie Brown, Ms.Jasher Blocker, Mr.Scott Cox, Mrs.Kaye Sharbono, Ms.Toni Wright and Mr.Michael Broussard.  Absent:  Ms.T.Bernette Wright, Mrs.Jerilyn Kelly, Mr.John Hopkins, Mrs.Tana Trichel and Mrs.Kathy Cerda. 


Guests present:  Mr.Patrick Savage.


Staff present:  Mrs.Terri Mitchell, Mrs.Shae Cheatham, Mrs.Mary Pat Polk and Ms.Judy Milton.


Mr.Steve Henderson called on Mrs.Mitchell for the Executive Director’s Report.


Mrs.Mitchell reported on the following items:


  1. Mrs.Mitchell called for a motion to approve the minutes of the October 18,2016 Workforce Development Board Meeting.A motion for approval was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.

  2. Presentation and Approval of Audit – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the Audit for Year Ended June 30, 2016 was complete and there were no findings.After discussion, a motion to accept the audit was made by Mr.Douglas Curtis and seconded by Mr.Tim Tettleton.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.

  3. Board Review of 990 Ratification – Mrs.Mitchell stated that because the Workforce Development Board is a non-profit 501C group, it is required that the Form 990 Information Questionnaire be ratified by the Board. After discussion, a motion to approve the Form 990 was made by Ms.Sandra Billings and seconded by Ms.Rosie Brown. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.


    4. Approve New Hires

        a. PHOCAS

        b. Business and Career Solutions Center


Mrs.Mitchell stated that the PHOCAS Program needed two positions filled and the Business and Career Solutions Center needed three positions filled, and after advertising and interviewing, it was recommended that the following individuals be offered the positions:

                PHOCAS – Calvin Carter – Career Advancement Specialist $ 31,500 – Start Date 1/30/17

                PHOCAS – Vicki Creighton – Health Science Tutor $ 48,000 -Start Date 1/30/17

                                     (Note) Ms.Creighton decided not to accept this position.

                BCSC – Brian Kaufman, Business Service Team Promoted to Youth Coordinator/Mgr.

                               Start Date 1/30/17

                BCSC – Alexander Norwood – Youth Services Team Member $ 31,500

                               Start Date 1/30/17

                BCSC – Wanda Berry – Business Services Team $ 31,500 – Start Date 1/30/17


After discussion, a motion to approve these new hires was made by Mr.Scott Cox and seconded by Mrs. Kaye Sharbono.  Abstained:  None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:  All.  MOTION PASSED.


       5. Approve STEP Modified Budget – Mrs. Mitchell stated that a revision had been made to the FY17 Strategies to Empower       People (STEP) Contract.The purpose of the revision is to transfer funds within Non-Personal Services and Facilities cost categories to better align the budget to reflect actual expenditures of the cost categories.She stated the revision does not change the contract amount of $ 166,000.00.After discussion, a motion for approval was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Gerry Mims.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All. MOTION PASSED.


       6. Approval of Policies

            a. Policy 800-16 PHOCAS Transportation Supportive Services – Mrs.Mitchell stated this Policy was revised to include the     sentence “ PHOCAS participants are responsible for their own card and expected to keep it in their possession. If a participant loses his/her card, the replacement fee will be deducted from his/her available balance”.

            b. Policy 200-28-01 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Supportive Services or Assistance – Mrs.Mitchell stated this Policy is revising the 90% attendance rate to 80% (PHOCAS rate), and to change books, fees, school supplies and other necessary items for students enrolled in postsecondary education classes from Training Services to Supportive Services.

            c. Policy 600-03-01 – Helping Individuals Progress (HIP) for Out of School Youth – Mrs.Mitchell stated the revision for this Policy is to change the HIP Incentive from $ 30.00 to $ 40.00.

After discussion, a motion to approve these Policies was made by Mr.Michael Carroll and seconded by Mr.Dan Wallace.  Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTION PASSED.


        7. Presentation and Approval of the Request for Proposals – Mrs.Mitchell presented and discussed the Request for Proposal  for WIOA One-Stop Operator Services.She stated that in the past the Board had procured both the One-Stop Operator Services and the provider of Career Services (Program Services).Northeast Louisiana Workforce Centers, Inc. (NLWC) has served in this capacity.After careful consideration by the Chief Elected Official and the Executive Committee (which serves as the RFP Evaluation Committee), who has done extensive work in researching and preparing for the procurement process of this RFP, the CEO decided to request approval from the Governor for the Board to be the provider of Career Services.This request will actually be a cost saving action that will eliminate duplication of expenditures, in areas such as audit costs and liability costs that can be redirected to the One-Stop Operator Contract.

The Governor has requested a written CEO Agreement and additional documentation to ensure that WDB-83 complies with the Federal Regulations, which govern this request.  This request is being processed.


The RFP presented herein will be for the procurement of a One-Stop Operator only, unless the Governor denies the request for WDB-83 to be the provider of Career Services.  In the RFP, the Scope of Work states that the One-Stop Operator’s role is equivalent to a managing partner.  In this role, the One-Stop Operator will be responsible for ensuring a seamless delivery of services from all partners.  The RFP timeline specified in the RFP will allow WDB-83 to meet the WIOA requirement of having the One-Stop Operator in place by July 1,2017.  Should the Governor deny the request for the Board to be the provider of Career Services, the RFP will be modified to procure both the One-Stop Operator and the Career Services Provider.  This will affect the amount included in the  document as well.  After discussion, a motion to approve the RFP and give Mrs.Mitchell the authority to make any needed changes, was made by Mr. Michael Broussard and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.  Abstained:  Mr.Scott Cox, Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  MOTION PASSED.


Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Shae Cheatham for the PHOCAS Update.


Mrs.Cheatham gave an update on the PHOCAS Program.


Mr.Henderson called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  A motion was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Fred Eubanks.  Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTION PASSED.


The meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.


Transcribed by Judy Milton







Judy Milton

WDB-83 Planning Assistant




Approved at April 18, 2017 Meeting







Steve Henderson



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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created.  WDB83 is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. “Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

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