JANUARY 23, 2018
Courtyard Marriott
4915 Pecanland Mall Drive
Monroe, LA.
6:00 P.M.
The Workforce Development Board SDA-83, Inc., Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M., by Mr.Steve Henderson, Chairperson. Invocation was given by Mr.Tim Tettleton.
Members present: Mr.Steve Henderson,Chairperson, Mr.Dan Wallace, Ms.T.Bernette Wright, Ms.Amanda McManus, Ms.Sandra Billings, Ms.Lauren Rogers, Mr.Tim Tettleton, Mr.Gerry Mims, Ms.Jasher Blocker, Dr.Vickie Wheelis, Mrs.Tana Trichel, Ms.Dottie Henry, Mr.Trevor Barber and Mr.Michael Broussard. Absent: Mr.Douglas Curtis, Mr.Michael Carroll, Mrs.Jerilyn Kelly, Mr.Patrick Savage, Mr.Fred Eubanks, Mr.Ken Green, Mr.John Hopkins, Ms.Rosie Brown, and Mr.Scott Cox.
Guests present: Mr.Eugene Crosby, President, West Carroll Parish Police Jury, and Mr.Joseph Mansour, One Stop Operator.
Staff present: Mrs.Terri Mitchell, Mrs.Shae Cheatham, Mrs.Katie McCarty, Mrs.Mary Pat Polk and Ms.Judy Milton.
Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Terri Mitchell for the Executive Director’s Report.
Mrs.Mitchell reported on the following items:
1. Minutes – October 17, 2017 WDB-83 Meeting – A motion to approve the minutes of this meeting was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Michael Broussard. Abstained: None, Opposed:None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
2. Minutes – January 5, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting – a motion to approve the minutes of this meeting was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Tim Tettleton. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
3 .Grievance Hearing Determination/Recommendation – Mrs.Mitchell stated that an individual trying to enroll in the WIOA Program in the Richland Parish Business and Career Solutions Center, had filed a written complaint on December 22,2017 regarding two alleged grievances: 1) Unfairly denied sponsorship in the Licensed Practical Nursing training program and 2) Treated unprofessionally by Center staff and Program Management.Mrs.Mitchell stated that an Executive Committee hearing was held on January 5, 2018 with the complainant to address these issues.
After careful consideration of her complaints, facts and documentation; the Executive Committee made the following determination: 1) Concurred with the decision to deny sponsorship based on applicant’s poor academic performance to date and 2) Concurred that there were incidences in which customer service interactions did not meet the expectations of the WDB’s standard code of conduct and recommended development of clear and concise “Employee Code of Conduct” Policy to address concerns and appropriate staff counseling/training for corrective action. After discussion, a motion to ratify the Executive Committee’s decision regarding complainant was made by Mr.Tim Tettleton and seconded by Ms.Lauren Rogers. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All. MOTION PASSED.
4. Budget to Actual Review – Mrs.Mitchell discussed the Budget to Actual Review and stated that no actual expenditures exceeded budgeted amounts at this time. We are about six (6) months in and all line item amounts are on target.She stated that no action was needed on this item.
5. Amend Administrative Budget 7/1/17 – 6/30/18
6. Amend 2017 – 2018 Budget Mrs.Mitchell discussed both the Administrative Budget and the Amendment of the 2017 – 2018 Budget. She stated there is a corrected carryover amount in this budget and the changes as requested at the last meeting had been allocated into this budget, with the increase in staff development. She stated that redistribution of salaries of Parish Career Solutions Center Staff had been done, with the moving of staff to different parish offices, which also increases travel allowance. She stated that she wanted to make sure that every parish was getting their full allocated amount with services and staffing. After discussion, a motion to approve the Amended Administrative Budget and Amended 2017 – 2018 Budget was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Dottie Henry. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All, MOTION PASSED.
7. WDB Policy Recommendations
a. Policy 100-21 One Stop Certification Policy – Mrs.Mitchell stated the One Stop Certification Policy establishes local policy and procedures for certification of the WDB-83’s Comprehensive and Affiliate One Stop Career Centers, as required by the Louisiana Workforce Commission. After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.Dan Wallace.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
b. Policy 100-22 Grievance Policy & Procedures – Mrs.Mitchell stated the Grievance Policy and Procedures Policy is to be used by applicants, participants and other interested parties, including One Stop Operators and service providers to file grievances or complaints alleging violations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.
c.Policy 100-23 Employee Standard Code of Conduct (Ethics) – Mrs.Mitchell stated the Employee Standard Code of Conduct (Ethics) Policy outlines standards of personal and professional conduct that all board members, employees, and grantees of the WDB-83 must uphold to ensure the highest quality of service and ethical behavior.It provides a basis for all employees to maintain a working environment that is productive, enjoyable, safe and free from harassment and discrimination.After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mr.Tim Tettleton and seconded by Ms.Dottie Henry.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
d. Policy 200-31 Request of Services Outside Business hours SOP – Mrs.Mitchell stated the Request of Services Outside Business Hours Standard Operating Procedure Policy is to ensure that customers of WDB-83’s One Stop Centers have the opportunity to request that services be provided outside of business hours, as needed and to document how these requests are to be accommodated.After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
e. Policy 200-32 Procedure for Requesting Technical Assistance – Mrs.Mitchell stated that Procedure for Requesting Technical Assistance provides policy and procedure for seeking technical assistance within WDB-83. Technical assistance planning follows a sequence of a) identifying organizational or program needs, b) sorting through the needs to determine which ones can be addressed by technical assistance, c) setting priorities, and d) locating assistance providers.After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.
f. Policy 500-03-1 SOP for WIOA Determination of Eligibility of Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities – Mrs.Mitchell stated the following additional eligibility items had been added to this policy: Cumulative Grade Point Average, Criminal Background, Two Year Completion on Training and No General Liberal Arts Degrees will be approved for funding. After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
g. Policy 600-02-02 Youth Workforce Investment Activities SOP – Mrs.Mitchell stated that to ensure Youth participants meet WIOA income eligibility, documentation and verification requirements for participants, and provide procedures for assisting youth candidates with services when they are identified with significant barriers to success in completing education, securing jobs and/or keeping employment.After discussion, a motion to approve this policy was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.
8. One Stop Certification
a. Comprehensive Center – Mrs.Mitchell stated the Comprehensive One Stop Center is the Morehouse Parish Business and Career Solutions Center.She stated the Certification process had been done and the Checklist Criteria Scoring shows that 16/16 Benchmarks had beenmet, 73% of the Standard of Excellence Criteria had been met, and 78% of the General Criteria had been met.She stated that the Center is now certified as a Comprehensive Center with a Certification Status: “ ” as defined by WDB-83 Policy 100-21.
b. Affiliate Centers – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the same process had been done in thenine (9) remaining centers as Affiliate Centers with all nine being certified as Affiliate Centers. A motion to approve the Comprehensive Center and the nine (9) Affiliate Centers as certified with a Certification Status: “” as defined by WDB-83 Policy 100-21. was made by Mr.Tim Tettleton and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.
9. Audit Presentation for Period Ending June 30,2017
a. Workforce Development Board SDA-83
Mrs.Mitchell reported on the audits for WDB-83 and NLWC and stated there were no findings for either one. A motion to approve the audits as presented was made by Mr.Dan Wallace and seconded by Mr.Trevor Barber. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All. MOTION PASSED.
10. Amendment to Agreement between LWC and the Union Parish Police Jury -Mrs.Mitchell stated the Amendment to Agreement between the State of Louisiana, Louisiana Workforce Commission and the Union Parish Police Juryincreases the contract amount by $ 11,909.34 for youth program funds.A motion to approve the amendment was made by Mr.Tim Tettleton and seconded by Mr.Gerry Mims.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.
Mr.Henderson called on Mr.Joseph Mansour for the One Stop Operator Report.
Mr.Mansour gave a report on One Stop Operations.
Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Katie McCarty for the WIOA Title I Services Update.
Mrs.Katie McCarty gave an update on the Parish Business and Career Solutions Center activities.
Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Shae Cheatham for the PHOCAS Update.
Mrs.Shae Cheatham gave an update on PHOCAS activities.
Mr.Henderson asked for member comments and a discussion was had about forming a WDB Policy/Finance Committee to review policies and financial information prior to Board Meeting to encourage efficient use of time.
The Chair asked that the Executive Director poll members to determine interest and appointments so that committees will be established prior to the April 2018 quarterly meeting. Mr.Henderson called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr.Tim Tettleton and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All. MOTION PASSED. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
Transcribed by Judy Milton, Planning Assistant
Judy Milton
WDB-83 Planning Assistant
Approved at April 17, 2018 Meeting
Steve Henderson
Chairperson – WDB-83