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JULY 18, 2017


Courtyard Marriott

4915 Pecanland Mall Drive

Monroe, LA.

6:00 P.M.



The Workforce Development Board SDA-83, Inc., Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M., by Mr.Steve Henderson, Chairperson.  Invocation was given by Mr.Fred Eubanks.


Members present: Mr.Steve Henderson, Chair, Ms.T.Bernette Wright, Mr.Douglas Curtis, Mr.Patrick Savage, Mr.Fred Eubanks, Mr.Gerry Mims, Mr.Walter Stringer, Ms.Rosie Brown, Mr.Scott Cox, Mrs.Tana Trichel, Ms.Dottie Henry, Mr.Trevor Barber and Mr.Michael Broussard. Absent:  Mr.Dan Wallace, Ms.Amanda McManus, Ms.Sandra Billings, Ms.Lauren Rogers, Mr.Michael Carroll, Mrs.Jerilyn Kelly, Mr.Tim Tettleton, Mr.John Hopkins, Ms.Jasher Blocker, and Mrs.Kaye Sharbono.


Guests present: Ms.Vickie Wheelis.


Staff present: Mrs.Terri Mitchell, Mrs.Shae Cheatham, Mrs.Katie McCarty, Mrs.Mary Pat Polk and Ms.Judy Milton.


Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Terri Mitchell for the Executive Director’s Report.


Mrs.Mitchell reported on the following items:


1. Elect New Officers – A motion to nominate as was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Walter Stringer.Motion to            close nominations was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Fred Eubanks.Abstained: Mr.Steve Henderson, Opposed:       None, All    in Favor: All.MOTIONS PASSED.

    A motion to nominate Mr.Fred Eubanks as Vice-Chairperson was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Ms.Rosie                Brown. Motion to close nominations was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Walter Stringer. Abstained: Mr.Fred           Eubanks, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTIONS PASSED.

    A motion to nominate Ms.Rosie Brown as Secretary- Treasurer was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.      Motion to close nominations was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Mrs.Tana Trichel.  Abstained: Ms.Rosie Brown,     Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTIONS PASSED.

    A motion to nominate Mr.Gerry Mims as At Large Member was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.              Motion to close nominations was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Patrick Savage.  Abstained:  Mr.Gerry Mims,       Opposed: None, All in Favor, All.  MOTIONS PASSED.

2. Minutes – April 18,2017 Workforce Development Board Meeting – A motion to approve the minutes of this meeting was made        by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.Rosie Brown. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.

3. Approve New Grant Agreement – Mrs.Mitchell stated this is the contract agreement between the Louisiana Workforce                     Commission – Office of Workforce Development and the Workforce Board for the period of April 1,2017 through June 30,               2019 in the amount of $ 1,735,215.00, and asked for approval.  A motion for approval was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and               seconded by Mr.Walter Stringer.  Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTION PASSED.

4. Merit Increases – Mrs.Mitchell stated that each July 1st, all employees who have satisfactory evaluations will receive a $ 625.00      step increase. She stated that several employees were at the top of their salary range and would not be eligible for the                          increase.During the discussion, it was recommended that the Executive Committee evaluate the salary ranges at their next                meeting. A motion to approve the recommended merit increases at a total cost of $ 21,707.37, was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks          and seconded by Mr.Gerry Mims.Abstained:None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.

5. Amend Partner MOU – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the Memorandum of Understanding requires that partners participate in the          cost shares and the State pays for half of the Morehouse Parish Business and Career Solutions Center’s expenses. She stated this      MOU addresses the participation and cost sharing of the Morehouse Center.A motion to approve the MOU was made by                    Ms.Rosie Brown and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:All.MOTION PASSED.

6. AJC Comprehensive Center Certification – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the American Job Center Certification is intended to ensure     that every comprehensive AJC is in compliance with key WIOA statutory and regulatory requirements.She stated the WDB-83         designated American Job Center Comprehensive Center – Morehouse Parish Business and Career Solutions Center, will meet         all of the eligible criteria, once the MOU has been signed by the Louisiana Workforce Commission, and recommended approval      for certification.A motion for approval was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.Abstained: None,                      Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.

7. Policy Updates:

  1. Youth – Policy Number 600-02-01 “Youth Workforce Investment Activities Standard Operating Procedures” Changing Incentives from 90% attendance to 80% attendance.

  2. Supportive Services - Policy Number 200-28-02 “Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Supportive Services or Assistance” This includes needs related payments, with increasing mileage.She stated that we can no longer give meal payments.

  3. Replace NLWC throughout with WDB-83 Program Staff

    After discussion, a motion to approve the Policy changes was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.                     Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor:  All.  MOTION PASSED.

8. Certificate of Resolutions – Mrs.Mitchell Stated that approval was needed to certify that the WDB allows its employees to                participate in the Cafeteria Plan. A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.Scott        Cox. Abstained: None, Opposed:None, All in Favor: All.MOTION PASSED.


Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Katie McCarty for the WIOA Title I Services Update.


Mrs.McCarty gave an update on Center activities.



Mr.Henderson called on Mrs.Shae Cheatham for the PHOCAS Update.


Mrs.Cheatham gave an update on the PHOCAS activities.


Mr.Henderson called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Douglas Curtis. Abstained: None, Opposed: None, All in Favor: All.  MOTION PASSED.  The meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.





Transcribed by Judy Milton, Planning Assistant





Judy Milton

WDB-83 Planning Assistant






Approved at October 17,2017 Meeting





Steve Henderson



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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created.  WDB83 is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. “Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

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