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OCTOBER 13, 2015


Courtyard Marriott

4915 Pecanland Mall Drive

Monroe, LA

6:00 P.M.



The Workforce Development Board SDA-83, Inc., Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M., by Mr.Steve Henderson.  Invocation was given by Mr.Steve Henderson.


Members present:  Mr.Fred Eubanks, Mr.Dan Wallace, Ms.T.Bernette Wright, Ms.Amanda McManus, Ms.Sandra Billings, Mr.Douglas Curtis, Mr.Steve Henderson, Mr.Michael Carroll, Ms.Jerilyn Kelly,  Mr.Gerry Mims, Mr.Walter Stringer, Mr.John Hopkins, Ms.Rosie Brown, Ms.Jasher Blocker, Mr.Scott Cox, Ms.Kaye Sharbono, Mrs.Tana Trichel,  Mrs.Kathy Cerda, Mr.Otis Marshall, and Mr.Michael Broussard.  Absent: Ms.Kathy Bowers, Mr.Curtis Dabb and Mr.Bruce Hampton.


Guests present:  Mr.Kelly, Mrs.Katie McCarty and Mrs.Mary Pat Polk.


Staff present:  Mrs.Terri Mitchell, Mr.Cardell Barnes, and Ms.Judy Milton.


Mrs.Terri Mitchell presented the items  for the Executive Director’s Report.


Mrs.Mitchell reported on the following items:


  1. Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws – Mrs.Mitchell stated that with the name change and the new Board of Directors, the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws needed  approval. She stated the 2016 WDB Meetings had been scheduled for January 19,2016, April 19, 2016, July 19, 2016 and October 18, 2016.   After discussion, a motion to approve the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws  and to set the new meeting dates, as recommended by Mrs.Mitchell , was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Gerry Mims.  Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  Abstained:  None. MOTION PASSED.


  1. Election of Officers –  Mrs.Mitchell called for the election of Chairperson and  stated the nomination must be from the Private Sector Business Membership.   Mr.John Hopkins made the motion with a second by Mr.Walter Stringer to nominate Mr.Steve Henderson for Chairperson. A motion was made by Mr.Fred Eubanks and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox to close nominations.  For both motions all Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.  



Mrs.Mitchell called for election of Vice-Chairperson.Mr.Scott Cox made the motion with a second by Mrs.Tana Trichel to nominate Mr.Fred Eubanks as Vice-Chairperson. A motion was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Walter Stringer to close nominations. For both motions all Opposed:None, All in Favor:All. Abstained: None.MOTION PASSED.


        Mrs.Mitchell called for election of Secretary-Treasurer.  Mr.Gerry Mims made the motion with a           

second by Mr.Fred Eubanks to nominate Mr.Walter Stringer as Secretary-Treasurer. A motion was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox to close nominations. For both motions all Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. Mrs.Mitchell called for election of an Executive Committee Member At Large – Mr.Fred Eubanks made the motion with a second by Mr.Walter Stringer to nominate Ms.Rosie Brown as the Member At Large. A motion was made by Mr.Gerry Mims and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox to close nominations.  For both motions all Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. June 16, 2015 Minutes –  Mrs.Mitchell called for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2015 Workforce Board Meeting.   A motion for approval was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.Walter Stringer.  Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  Abstained: None. MOTION PASSED.


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Mr.Steve Henderson requested that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of agenda item numbers 5) Budget and 6) Staffing and BCSC Restructuring, at which time all staff and visitors left with the exception of Mrs.Mitchell.  After Executive Session discussion, the meeting was once again opened to the public.  No action was taken during the Executive Session.


  1. Budget – Mrs.Mitchell presented the budget  for 2015-2016 with the following allocations and recommended approval:

    1. WIA PY15/FY16                                $ 1,280,679

    2. WIA PY13/FY14 Carryover             $     494,804

    3. STEP Contract                                  $     206,158

    4. NEG DW-Sector Strategy               $     129,612

    5. Ticket-to-Work                                $       45,671

    6. HPOG Impact Study                         $     233,131

    7. PHOCAS                                             $  3,440.071

Total Funds Available$5,830,125

A motion to approve the budget was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.John Hopkins. Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. Staffing and BCSC Restructuring –  Mrs.Mitchell presented a Staffing and Business and Career Solutions Center Restructuring Plan, which aligns with the approved budget.  This plan included the following recommendations:






Staff Reductions (5) Positions effective November 13, 2015

WDB Monitor

Outreach/Recruitment – Morehouse

Talent Acquisition Specialist – Union

(2) Career Services Members – Caldwell/Jackson



  1. Closure of the Caldwell and Tensas Business and Career Solutions Centers (WDB Director will secure space in Caldwell Parish and Tensas Parish to meet with clients (1) one day per week). She stated the closure of Caldwell will be effective November 30, 2015.  Tensas is currently closed due to safety concerns.


  1. Full time centers (Franklin, Morehouse, Richland and Union).


  1. Reduced Center Hours:  Caldwell, East Carroll (reduce office expenses), Jackson, Madison, Tensas and West Carroll.


After discussion, a motion to approve the Staffing and BCSC Restructuring was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Ms.T.Bernette Wright.  Opposed:  None, All in favor:  All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. NLWC Contract –Mrs.Mitchell stated that an RFP had been done for a service provider and NLWC had been selected, and approval was needed for the contract.  The contract period is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 in the amount of $ 883,046.11. After discussion, a motion for approval was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.  Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. One Stop Operating Policies – Mrs.Mitchell presented the following Business and Career Solutions Centers Plans and Operations Policies for approval:

    1. Policy No.68 – Standard Operating Procedures for WIOA Determination of Eligibility of Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities

    2. Policy No.69 – Standard Operating Procedures for WIOA Outreach, Intake and Orientation

    3. Policy No. 70 – Standard Operating Procedures for Initial Assessment of Skill Levels, Aptitudes, Abilities and Supportive Service Needs

    4. Policy No. 71 – Standard Operating Procedures for Labor Exchange Services

    5. Policy No. 73 – Placement Requirements for Students Entering Post-Secondary Classroom Training

    6. Policy No. 74 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Workforce and Labor Market Employment Statistics Information

    7. Policy No. 75 – Standard Operating Procedures for Provision of Performance and Program Cost Information on Eligible Training Provider Services


After discussion, a motion to approve these policies was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Scott Cox.  Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. Executive Director Resolution –  Mrs.Mitchell stated the agency attorney had suggested a Resolution of the Directors of the Workforce Development Board be adopted to give her the authority to conduct and transact standard operating business activities of the Board, in absence of a Board Meeting.  A  motion for approval was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mrs. Tana Trichel.  Opposed:  None, All in favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. HPOG Cooperative Agreement – Mrs.Mitchell stated she needed ratification of her signature on the Cooperative Agreement between the Workforce Board, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and the Office of Family Assistance (OFA). She stated it defines all of the goals and regulations to be carried out in the grant. She stated this agreement will be effective September 30, 2015 through September 29, 2016, with up to a total project period of five (5) years.   A motion for approval was made by Mr.Walter Stringer and seconded by Mr.Dan Wallace.  Opposed:  None, All in Favor:  All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. Agreements for Funding PY15-FY16 - $ 1,280,689, Franklin Parish Agreement for Funding  and the Union Parish Agreement for Funding  -  Mrs.Mitchell stated the Agreement for Funding from the Louisiana Workforce Commission (WIOA) covers the period from April 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017 in combined funding with the amount of $ 1,280,679 covering all ten (10) of the parishes in our delivery area. She stated this Agreement cancels out the separate Agreements for Funding for Franklin and Union.  A motion for approval was made by Mr.John Hopkins and seconded by Mr.Douglas Curtis.  Opposed:  None:  All in Favor:  All.  Abstained: None. MOTION PASSED.


  1. STEP Contract $ 206,158 – Mrs.Mitchell stated that the Board had received a STEP (Strategies to Empower People) Grant in the amount of $ 206,158 from LWC for the period from July 1,2015 through June 30, 2016.  She stated this grant’s goal and objectives were to provide case management services to work eligibility cash assistance recipients, as referred by the LA. Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS), to move those families from cash assistance to employment.  Mr.Michael Broussard made brief comments.  A motion to approve the STEP grant was made by Mr.Scott Cox and seconded by Mr.Dan Wallace.  Opposed: None:  All in favor: All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. NEG Contract $ 259,223 (Regional WDB83 - $ 129,611) –Mrs.Mitchell stated that the Board had received a NEG (National Emergency Grant) in the amount of $ 129,611, with a Regional amount of  $ 259,223, from LWC, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017.  She stated this contract would provide assistance in funding workforce development and employment services and other adjustment assistance for dislocated workers and other eligible individuals.  A motion for approval was made by Mrs.Tana Trichel and seconded by Mr.John Hopkins.  Opposed:  None:  All in favor:  All.  Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


  1. Donation of CBJT Equipment – Mrs.Mitchell stated that consent had been received from USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to transfer the equipment acquired through a Community Based Job Training (CBJT) grant during the implementation of the “Building a Louisiana Delta Workforce Initiative” Grant to Louisiana Delta Community College.  She stated the total amount of equipment being donated was $ 489,365.00.





  1. ETPL – ULM Nursing Program –  Mrs.Mitchell recommended that the following program be approved to be placed on the eligible training providers list:

    1. ULM Nursing Program – Bachelor’s Degree 511601

After discussion, a motion for approval was made by Mrs.Jerilyn Kelly  and seconded by Ms.Sandra Billings.  Opposed:  None:  All in favor:  All. Abstained: None.    MOTION PASSED.              


Mr.Steve Henderson called on Mrs.Katie McCarty for the Northeast Louisiana Workforce Centers Update. 


Mrs.McCarty gave an update on the Career Solutions Centers activities.


The Workforce Development Board SDA 83 Members took the oath for serving on the new Board.


Mr.Steve Henderson called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  A motion was made by Mr.Scott Cox and seconded by Mr.Douglas Curtis.  Opposed:  None:  All in favor:  All. Abstained: None.  MOTION PASSED.


The meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.


Transcribed by Judy Milton



Judy Milton

WDB Planning Assistant




Approved at January 19, 2016 Meeting



Steve Henderson



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