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Unemployment Claims Down

Initial unemployment insurance claims for week ending Nov. 21

BATON ROUGE – Initial unemployment insurance claims for the week ending Nov. 21, 2015 decreased to 2,404 from the previous week’s total of 3,196. For the comparable week a year ago, ending Nov. 22, 2014, 2,547 initial claims were filed.

The four-week moving average of initial claims decreased to 2,462 from the previous week’s average of 2,486.

Continued unemployment insurance weeks claimed for the week ending Nov. 21, 2015 increased to 21,601 from the previous week’s total of 19,595. Continued weeks claimed were above the comparable figure of 19,764 for the week ending Nov. 22, 2014.

The four-week moving average of continued weeks claimed decreased to 21,571 from the previous week’s average of 21,863.

Updates to the LWC’s unemployment information processing system are still being implemented. As a result, the following data are not currently available: the break-out of interstate claims, Louisiana unemployment insurance claimants' parish of residence and unemployment insurance claims by industry. Additionally, all reported numbers on initial and continued claims are estimates.

For more detailed information on occupational groups of unemployment insurance claimants, visit and select Labor Market Information.

The Unemployment Insurance (UI) Weekly Claims Data webpage includes the following: UI Weekly Claims Data by Regional Labor Market Area and by Parish, UI Weekly Claims Data by Industry for Louisiana, UI Definition and UI Monthly Claimant Characteristics by Parish. To access these products, select Labor Market Information at, scroll down the LMI page to the LMI Products section, and select Unemployment Insurance Claims.

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