$600 weekly unemployment benefit ending

The Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) is advising individuals receiving unemployment benefits, that the last week of eligibility for claimants filing for the extra Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) will be the week ending July 25, 2020.
FPUC provided an additional $600 per week to individuals who lost their job or faced a reduction in hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Throughout the course of COVID-19, FPUC benefit payouts were drawn from 100% of federal funds. The LWC does not have the ability to extend FPUC.
Past the week ending July 25, claimants may qualify for state unemployment benefits or federally funded unemployment benefits, which could be either of the following;
• Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
It allows those who have exhausted benefits under regular unemployment compensation, which is 26 weeks in Louisiana, to receive 13 weeks of additional benefits (LA Max benefit of $247).
• Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
Designated for self-employed people and others who are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits—and who are out of work due to COVID-19. The benefit amount ranges from $107 - $247 each week. This benefit program will remain for eligible individuals through the end of the year.
The most a person can receive in unemployment benefits in Louisiana is $247 per week. LWC does not have the ability to increase the maximum weekly benefit amount under current Louisiana statute.
Claimants currently receiving unemployment benefits will continue to receive their weekly benefit pending their ongoing eligibility.
Since March 22, 2020, the LWC has paid out $4,949,839,298.49 in total unemployment benefits; $3,875,829,914.71 of which were FPUC related.
“The LWC has been supporting Louisianans since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and we’re going to keep that same energy moving forward,” said LWC Secretary Ava Dejoie. “We have a team of employment specialists standing ready to assist individuals in job-searching, resume building and essential-skill improving to put them back to work.”
The LWC has tens of thousands of available family-sustaining careers available from the state’s largest employers listed on our Helping Individuals Reach Employment (HiRE) network https://www.louisianaworks.net/hire/vosnet/loginintro.aspx?blnStartHere=True.
Create an account today, and explore all the options that are available to all Louisiana residents.