We understand YOUR Regional Labor Market, and you can too.
Compare wages and earnings
Industry-specific staffing needs
Fastest-growing occupations
Available labor force
Employment and wage data
Projections by occupation and industry
Demographics (income, population and commuting patterns)
Learn more by visiting the Labor Market Information (LMI) or Louisiana Occupational Information System (LOIS).
Want Qualified Employees? We have them!
Check out Helping Individuals Reach Employent (HiRE).
Post a job
Virtual recruiter
Search résumés
Receive prescreened job applicants
Hire target populations (potential tax credits available)
Participate in free local job fairs in YOUR area
Let us help you with a Hiring/Recruiting Event
Our Business Services Team will arrange, set up, advertise and take the lead on a hiring or recruiting event. Prior to the event, we will recruit and screen applicants to focus on your needs and their competencies. Our goal is to assist you in making the best possible hire by getting the type of job candidates that you need to fill your company’s job openings.
Contact Us
We offer one-on-one services from our experienced Business Services Team to meet your specific workforce needs. WIB 83 has 10 Business and Career Solutions Centers located across northeast Louisiana. Whether you are looking to hire 1 or 100, we are ready to help. Best of all, YOU’VE ALREADY PAID for our services.